7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Green functions of currents in the odd-intrinsic parity sector of QCD

12 Sept 2014, 17:20
Petrov-Vodkin 2

Petrov-Vodkin 2

Section B: Light Quarks Parallel II: B3 Light Quarks


Mr Tomas Kadavy (Charles University (CZ))


The independent operator basis of the most important resonances in the odd-intrinsic parity sector of QCD allows us to construct Lagrangians for corresponding Feynman diagrams of several types of interaction channels of the mesons and resonances. In this talk, we will discuss all three-point current correlators non-trivial for this sector. We briefly summarize their basic properties and high energy bahaviour via the OPE framework. We also show that vector field formalism is not compatible with the OPE, and for this reason the antisymmetric field formalism is a more suitable choice. At the end we briefly introduce fundamental phenomological aspects that could be useful in the next studies.


Dr Jiri Novotny (Charles University (CZ)) Dr Karol Kampf (Charles University (CZ)) Mr Tomas Kadavy (Charles University (CZ))

Presentation materials