Poster Session
- Michael Creutz (Brookhaven Lab)
Shahnoosh Rafibakhsh
(Department of Physics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Abelian gauge fixing procedure is used to create the $SU(4)$ magnetic
monopoles in the vicinity of the points where the gluon filed becomes
singular. The matrix of the scalar field is considered as almost
diagonal in the $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$ subspaces. The gauge transformation
which diagonalizes the hedgehog field, transforms the gluon filed into
two regular and singular parts. The abelian...
Dmitry Neverov
(Saint Petersburg State University)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Correlations between various observables, e.g. multiplicities of particles produced in pp collisions at the LHC energies within intervals separated in pseudorapidity and azimuth angle, could be a sensitive tool to analyze hadron collisions dynamics and test hadron production models.
In this report we present results of studies of multiplicity correlation coefficient topology for like- and...
Cristian Gutierrez
(Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Fisica Teorica , 01156-970, SP, Brasil.)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
The Nakanishi perturbative integral representation of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude in
three-dimensions (2+1) is investigated in order to derive a workable framework for bound states, which is solution of the homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter Equation (BSE) in Minkowski space. The projection onto the null-plane of the three-dimensional homogeneous BSE is used to derive an equation for the Nakanishi...
Sedigheh Deldar
(University of Tehran)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
We study the relation between the flux of a center vortex obtained from the vortex model and the flux formed between monopoles obtained from the Abelian gauge fixing method.
Motivated by the Monte Carlo simulations which have
shown that almost all monopoles are sitting on the top of vortices, we combine differnet fluxes of monopoles and obtain the flux of center vortices for SU(2)
Farid Taghinavaz
(Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
The shear viscosity of a hot and dense Yukawa-Fermi
gas will be determined, using the standard Green-Kubo relation, according to which the
shear viscosity is given by the retarded correlator of the traceless
part of viscous energy-momentum tensor. We approximate this retarded
correlator using a one-loop skeleton expansion, and express the
bosonic and fermionic shear viscosities,...
Rajan Dogra
(Government Industrial Training Institute for Women, Sector 11, Chandigarh, India)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Due to the non-linearity involved in quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the required uncertainty in position of a transverse hard gluon, emitted in 3-jet event, is accommodated by allowing for the possibility that Gribov copies are created as virtual entities by quantum fluctuations of the transverse gluon energy over the brief intervals of time during which the special relativity theory and the...
Daniel Zablocki
(Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
An important first step in the program of hadronization of chiral quark models is the bosonization in meson
and diquark channels. This procedure is presented at finite temperatures and chemical potentials for the
SU(2) flavor case of the NJL model with special emphasis on the mixing between scalar meson and scalar
diquark modes which occurs in the 2SC color superconducting phase. The...
Alisa Katanaeva
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
The problem of self-consistent estimates of the deconfinement
temperature $T_c$ in the framework of the bottom-up holographic
approach to QCD is observed. It is shown that the standard soft
wall model gives $T_c$ around 260 MeV for planar gluodynamics in a
good agreement with the lattice data. The extensions of soft wall
model adjusted for descriptions of realistic meson spectra...
Jenifer Nebreda Manjon
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
We study the in-medium corrections to the neutral pion decay into two photons. For the calculation we use in-medium chiral perturbation theory. We take into account both the wave function renormalization and the medium correction to the one-particle irreducible vertex. Since it was previously shown that there are no medium corrections to the vertex up to O(p^5), that is, linear density in the...
Stephen Lars Olsen
(Seoul National University)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
The 2013 PDG tables lists the JPC=0++ X(3915)wJ/y resonance, seen in BKwJ/y decays and the ggwJ/y fusion process by both the Belle and BaBar experiments, as the cc0', i.e., the cc0(2P) radial excitation of the cc0(1P) charmonium state. I (and others) dispute this assignment for a number of reasons, including its peak mass value, M=3918.4±1.9 MeV, narrow width G=20±5 MeV, and the absence of...
Nikolay Antonov
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Inertial-range asymptotic behavior of a vector (e.g., magnetic) field, passively advected by a strongly anisotropic turbulent flow, is studied by means of the field theoretic renormalization group and the operator product expansion. The advecting velocity field is Gaussian, not correlated in time, with the pair correlation function of the form $\propto \delta(t-t') / k_{\bot}^{d-1+\xi}$, where...
Ibragim Alikhanov
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Production of single neutrinos as well as neutrino-antineutrino pairs by photons interacting with pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons is studied within the Standard Model. The corresponding cross sections are found analytically. The energy loss due to neutrino emission in a thermal plasma of photons and pions is calculated. It is shown that the obtained neutrino emissivity may be significantly...
Rafael Delgado
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM))
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Recently, a new boson has been discovered at LHC which, so far, fits the properties of the SM Higgs boson. This would make the SM unitary. However, the SM is not the more general low-energy dynamics for the minimal electroweak symmetry breaking sector (EWSBS) with three Goldstone bosons and one light scalar.
By using a more general low energy effective Lagrangian for these four particles...
Shoji Hashimoto
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
The presence of color source may modify the chiral condensate that characterizes the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in the QCD vacuum. Using the overlap-Dirac eigenmodes, we investigate this phenomenon around static color sources representing quark-antiquark and three-quark systems. We show that the chiral condensate is reduced inside the flux-tube that is formed between the color...
Dimitri Agadjanov
(University of Bonn)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
The possibility of imposing partially twisted boundary
conditions is investigated for the scalar sector of lattice QCD.
According to the commonly shared belief, the presence of quark-antiquark annihilation diagrams in the intermediate state generally hinders the use of the partial twisting. Using effective field theory techniques in a finite volume, and studying the scalar sector of QCD...
Sedigheh Deldar
(University of Tehran)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
In this research we try to suggest computing the potential between interacting calorons with non-trivial holonomy. Two methods of sum ansatz and caloron-Dirac string interaction may be used to obtain the interacting potential between two calorons. With this potential, one can compute the partition function of the calorons ensemble with non interacting pairs (Interaction exists between calorons...
Eigo Shintani
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
We present the high-statistics analysis of axial charge and isovector form factor of nucleon in Nf=2 Wilson-clover fermion configurations. Using all-mode-averaging techniques at $m_\pi=190$--300 MeV in 2.5--4.0 fm lattice with three different lattice cut-off, we aim to compute these observables below 5% accuracy. In this poster we present preliminary study of rigorous calculation to search the...
farid taghinavaz
(sharif university)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
We investigated the impact of anomalous chromomagnetic and chromoelectric dipole moments on the top pair production in diffractive events at the LHC. The exclusive diffractive production of top quarks provide clean environment due to having one proton intact. We found that the effect of these corrections is remarkable in $pp \rightarrow p\gamma p \rightarrow pt\bar{t} X$ processes.
Dmitri Melikhov
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Within realm of QCD sum rules, one of the central fields of application is the prediction of the decay constants of heavy mesons. However, although the applied techniques are
very similar, we encounter rather dissimilar challenges and obstacles when extracting, from two-point correlators of appropriate heavy-light interpolating currents, characteristics of charmed mesons carrying different...
Mikhail Malyshev
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
We address the problem of nonperturbative calculations on the light front in quantum field theory regularized by Pauli-Villars method. As a preliminary step we construct light front Hamiltonians in (2+1)-dimensional $\lambda \varphi^4$ model, for the cases without and with spontaneous symmetry breaking. The renormalization of these Hamiltonians in Pauli-Villars regularization is carried out...
Roman Zubov
(Saint Petersburg State University)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
We consider numerical solutions to ’t Hooft equation. We find that the spectrum of eigenvalues coincide with that of Airy differential equation. Physically it corresponds to one dimensional Schrödinger equation for a particle in a triangular potential well. We use Fourier transform of ’t Hooft eigenfunctions to get to the coordinate space. The squared eigenfunctions in this space turn out to...
Igor Altsybeev
(St. Petersburg State University (RU))
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
The reported study is dedicated to the correlations between mean transverse momenta $p_{\rm T}$ of particles in two observation windows in heavy-ion collisions.
Analysis approach of mean $p_{\rm T}$ correlations is described.
Dependence on rapidity and azimuthal acceptance of the windows is studied
using AMPT event generator and toy Monte-Carlo simulations.
Influence of the selection...
Dmitry Kotov
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Strange hadrons are among the most interesting probes of the quark-gluon-plasma,
created in the collisions of heavy ions at relativistic energy.
The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has measured invariant transverse momentum spectra and nuclear
modification factor ($R_{AA}$) of strange mesons $K^{*0}$ and $K^{0}_{S}$, in
$p$+$p$, $d$+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at center of mass energy 200...
Fernando Serna
(Universidade Estadual Paulista)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
We have calculated properties of pseudoscalar mesons using contact interaction in the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Contrary to the traditional treatment of the divergent amplitudes, we have implemented a novel approach in order to avoid the standard steps to evaluate divergent integrals which leads to symmetry violation. The basic idea of the novel approach is simples and consists in to assume a...
Alexander Rothkopf
(Heidelberg University)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Heavy Quarkonium provides a unique opportunity to investigate the physics of the quark-gluon plasma created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. From the measured suppression patterns in nucleus-nucleus collisions relative to the yields in proton-proton collisions, we ultimately aim at extracting the properties of the bulk matter created in the collision center.
Hence a thorough...
Alexandr Bylinkin
(ITEP Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
The transverse momentum spectra of hadrons produced in high energy collisions can be decomposed into the two components: the exponential ("thermal") and the power ("hard") ones.
Recently, the H1 Collaboration has discovered that the relative strength of these two components in Deep Inelastic Scattering depends drastically upon the global structure of the event - namely, the exponential...
Michael Mueller-Preussker
(Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
We present the results achieved for a project dealing with
lattice QCD thermodynamics in the presence of two dynamical
quark generations employing the twisted mass discretization
for Wilson-type quarks and an improved gauge action in order
to ensure (automatic) O(a) improvement of lattice artifacts.
We fix the (charged) pseudo-scalar meson mass values at 400 MeV
and around 250 MeV....
Vladimir Vereshagin
(St.-Petersburg State University)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
I discuss the renormalization of the one-loop 2-leg functions in
multi-component effective scalar theory. It is shown that only a part of
numerous contributions that appear in the general expression for 2-leg
graph can be considered as the true self energy function. This part is
completely fixed by two conventional requirements -- correctness of the
pole position and the wave function...
Shahnoosh Rafibakhsh
(Department of Physics, Science and Research Branch, Azad University, Tehran, Iran)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
The potential between static color sources is calculated in the $SU(3)$ gauge group by introducing a two dimensional vortex flux. To generalize the model, the length of the Wilson loop is equal to $R$ oriented along the $x$ axis, and the vortex flux is considered as a function of $x$ and $y$. The comparison between the generalized model and the original one shows that the intermediate linear...
Andrei Puchkov
(Saint Petersburg State University)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
Baryons containing two heavy quarks are treated in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Two non-relativistic potential models are proposed, in which the Schrödinger equation admits a separation of variables in prolate and oblate spheroidal coordinates, respectively. In the first model, the potential is equal to the sum of Coulomb potentials of the two heavy quarks, separated from each other by...
Masayasu Hasegawa
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
09/09/2014, 18:50
Poster Session
University of Kanazawa and Pisa groups have shown a number of studies which support the confinement mechanism due to monopole condensations by the lattice simulations. The close relations between the instanton and chiral symmetry breaking are theoretically explained, moreover, the relations are revealed by numerical simulations. The purpose of our study is to show that the monopoles relate to...