Mayra Daniela Cervantes Valdovinos
(Purdue University (US))
The XENON1T detector is a dual-phase time projection chamber with a
total of 3200kg of liquid xenon to search for dark matter. XENON1T is
currently under construction at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory
for commissioning early 2015. With a fiducial volume of at least 1000kg
and a background more than two orders of magnitude below that of
XENON100, the XENON1T experiment will be able to probe a particularly
rich region of the electroweak-scale parameter space, with a sensitivity
\sigma_{\n{SI}}\sim 2\times10^{-47}\,\n{cm}^2 within 2 years of
operation. This poster will present the detector, some design aspects,
and its sensitivity.
Jacques Pienaar
(Purdue University)
Mayra Daniela Cervantes Valdovinos
(Purdue University (US))
Richard Shayne
(Purdue University)