Wei-Ping Pan
(National Tsing Hua University)
A neutral vector boson, dubbed shadow $Z'$, which stems from a hidden $U(1)_s$ gauge sector can weakly couple
to the standard model fermions through the kinematic mixing between the $U(1)_s$ and the hypercharge $U(1)_Y$.
If the shadow $Z'$ is light, $< m_Z$, it can easily evade all collider constraint as long as the kinematic mixing
term is small. We study the feasibility of probing the
light shadow $Z'$ gauge boson with the
low energy parity violating $e-p$, $e-d$, and $e-e$ scattering and the correlations among the experiments.
We-Fu Chang
(National Tsing Hua University)
Wei-Ping Pan
(National Tsing Hua University)