Extraction of Neutrino Flux from the Inclusive Muon Cross Section

27 Aug 2014, 11:50
Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre (University of Glasgow)

Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre

University of Glasgow

University Avenue Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK


Mr Tomoya Murata (Department of Physics, Osaka University)


Extraction of the neutrino-flux from the data of the neutrino-nucleus reaction is of crucial importance to obtain the parameters of neutrino mixing. The observed events of neutrino reaction are the average over the neutrino flux. In this presentation, we report a new method to extract neutrino flux from the data of inclusive muon production cross section by using maximum entropy method (MEM). The method is tested by using pseudo data of muon distribution. The results shows that the neutrino flux is well reconstructed without assuming quasi-elastic reaction mechanism using MEM.
WG1: Neutrino Oscillation Physics (Yes/No) No
WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics (Yes/No) Yes
WG3: Accelerator Physics (Yes/No) No
WG4: Muon Physics (Yes/No) No
Type of presentation Oral presentation


Mr Tomoya Murata (Department of Physics, Osaka University)


Prof. Toru Sato (Department of Physics, Osaka University)

Presentation materials