Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!


from Thursday 13 March 2008 (15:50) to Sunday 16 March 2008 (20:45)
CERN (40-S2-C01)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
13 Mar 2008
14 Mar 2008
15 Mar 2008
16 Mar 2008
09:00 Welcome to CERN   (40-S2-C01)
09:15 Introduction to CERN - Mick Storr (CERN)   (40-S2-C01)
10:00 Introduction to Accelerators - elena wildner (CERN)   (40-S2-C01)
11:00 Medical Applications of Particle Physics - Manjit Dosanjh (CERN)   (40-S2-C01)
09:00 Particle Physics (2/3) - Dieter Schlatter   (40-S2-C01)
10:00 Particle Physics (3/3) - Dieter Schlatter   (40-S2-C01)
11:00 Visit Microcosm   (B33 Reception)
09:00 CERN Teacher Support Programmes - Mick Storr (CERN)   (40-S2-C01)
10:00 Anti-matter and the Antiproton Decelerator - Michael Doser (CERN)   (40-S2-C01)
11:00 Parallel session : Visit Anti-matter factory, Q/A - Mick Storr (CERN) Michael Doser (CERN)   (40-S2-C01)
19:00 Informal Dinner and Welcome - Mick Storr (CERN)   (Restaurant 1)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:30 Introduction to the ATLAS Experiment - Troels Petersen (CERN)   (40-S2-C01)
15:30 Parallel session : Visit Atlas, Visit LHC tunnel - Mick Storr (CERN) Troels Petersen (CERN)   (33 Reception)
18:00 Particle Physics (1/3) - Dieter Schlatter   (40-S2-C01)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Visit Globe   (B33 Reception)
15:00 Visit Geneva   (Entrance B)
20:00 Programme Dinner - Mick Storr (CERN)   (Place de la Navigation)
12:30 Evaluation and close   (40-S2-C01)