FIM4R: Federated identity management for Research Collaborations




Federated identity management (FIM) in general and federated identity management for research communities (FIM4R) is an arrangement that can be made among multiple organisations that lets subscribers use the same identification data to obtain access to the secured resources of all organisations in the group. Specifically in the various research communities there is an increased interest in a common approach to FIM as there is obviously a large potential for synergies. This workshop in the seventh in a series that started in summer 2011 to investigate Federated Identity Management for Research (FIM4R) collaborations.
The first workshop was held at CERN in June 2011 (,
the second at RAL in November 2011 (,
the third at ISGC in February 2012 (,
the fourth at MPI Psycholinguistics Nijmegen in June 2012  (,
the fifth at PSI Villigen in March 2013 (
and the sixth at CSC in Helsinki in October 2013(

Through these workshops, the research communities have converged on a common vision for FIM, enumerated a set of requirements and proposed a number of recommendations for ensuring a roadmap for the uptake of FIM is achieved. These points have been documented in a paper (

The objective of this workshop is to review the status of the on-going research community pilot FIM projects and determine how we work with the service providers in order to establish a production system for research communities. The relationship with the recently formed RDA Interest group will be reviewed.

ESA have prepared a report of the meeting.

Hotel reservation form
  • Anders Lördal
  • Andrea Baldi
  • Andrea Manieri
  • Bob Jones
  • Christof Pohl
  • Ciro Formisano
  • Daniela Pöhn
  • Daniele Bailo
  • Daniele Marchionni
  • David Kelsey
  • Dean Flanders
  • Edith Dumitru
  • Enrico Maria Vincenzo Fasanelli
  • Erwin Goor
  • Fabrice Brito
  • Jean-François Perrin
  • Lukas Hämmerle
  • Marco Leonardi
  • Marcus Hardt
  • Maryline Lengert
  • Massimo Cocco
  • Mikael Linden
  • Peter Gietz
  • Romain Wartel
  • Rudolf A. Bolek
  • Salim Ansari
  • Silvia Arezzini
  • Simon Stannard
  • Simone Gianfranceschi
  • Sven Bingert
  • Tommi Nyrönen
  • Wolfgang Lengert
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch at the ESRIN Canteen

      (at each participant's own cost)

    • User Communities updates and discussion

      NOTE: This session is reserved for representatives from the user community only

      H2020 funding call
      Licia's slides
      SCI paper
      slides - Romain Wartel
      • 1
        User Communities discussion
    • 4:00 PM
    • User Communities updates and discussion

      NOTE: This session is reserved for representatives from the user community only

      H2020 funding call
      Licia's slides
      SCI paper
      slides - Romain Wartel
    • 7:30 PM
      Dinner at Villa Tuscolana Villa Tuscolana rooms Vanvitelli/Rufini

      Villa Tuscolana rooms Vanvitelli/Rufini

      Hosted by ESA and open to all FIM4R registered participants.

    • Welcome from ESA Magellan


      ESA - ESRIN

      • 2
        Welcome from ESA
        Speakers: Nicolaus Hanowski (ESA Esrin), Pier Bargellini (ESA Esrin)
    • Introduction Magellan


      ESA - ESRIN


      Objectives of the meeting and agenda overview.

      • 3
        Speaker: Bob Jones (CERN)
    • ESA technical talks
      • 4
        ESA EO Federated Identity Management Initiatives: EO FIM Evolution
        Speaker: Marco Leonardi (Rhea)
      • 5
        ESA EO Federated Identity Management Initiatives: FIM Space Evolution
        Speaker: Andrea Baldi (ESA Esrin)
      • 6
        Federation of parteners: the example of Iceland geohazard Supersite within Helix Nebula
        Speaker: Maryline Lengert (ESA Esrin)
    • 10:30 AM
    • Progress of research community pilots

      This will include ESA space federation, WLCG (High Energy Physics), CLARIN (Linguistics), ELIXIR, (Life sciences), UMBRELLA (photon/neutron), DARIAH (arts and humanities) etc.

      • 7
        Speaker: Tommi Nyrönen
      • 8
        Speaker: Jean-Francois Perrin (ILL)
      • 9
        Speaker: Mikael Linden (CSC - IT center for science)
      • 10
        Speaker: Peter Gietz
      • 11
        High Energy Physics
        Speaker: Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch at the ESRIN Caanteen

      (at each participant's own cost)

    • Future directions

      Summary of RDA session in Dublin and discussion on how FIM4R and the RDA Interest Group should be related in the future.
      Discussion on how the FIM4R research communities and the service providers can work together in the context of H2020.
      Summary of meeting and discussion on next steps.

      • 12
        Speaker: Daniela Pohn (Leibniz Supercomputing Center - LRZ)
      • 13
        SAML to LDAP bridging development
        Speaker: Marcus Hardt (SCC)
      • 14
        Summary of RDA session in Dublin
        Speaker: Bob Jones (CERN)
    • 3:00 PM
    • Future directions: Summary of meeting and discussion on next steps.

      Summary of RDA session in Dublin and discussion on how FIM4R and the RDA Interest Group should be related in the future.
      Discussion on how the FIM4R research communities and the service providers can work together in the context of H2020.
      Summary of meeting and discussion on next steps.

      • 15
        Summary of meeting and discussion on next steps.
    • End of the meeting