LHC Upgrade Detector Designs
- Fabian Huegging (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
Heinz Pernegger
04/09/2014, 09:00
The Pixel Detector of the ATLAS experiment has shown excellent performance
during the whole Run-1 of LHC. Taking advantage of the long showdown, the detector was extracted from the experiment and brought to surface, to equip it with new service quarter panels, to repair modules and to ease installation of the Insertable B-Layer (IBL).
IBL is a fourth layer of pixel detectors,...
Ashish Kumar
(State University of New York (US))
04/09/2014, 09:30
The silicon pixel detector is the innermost component of the CMS tracking system, providing high precision space point measurements of charged particle trajectories. The performance of the current pixel detector has been excellent during Run 1 of the LHC. However, the foreseen significant increases of the instantaneous and integrated luminosities at the LHC necessitate an upgrade of the pixel...
Eddy Jans
04/09/2014, 10:50
The LHCb Vertex Detector (VELO) will be upgraded in 2018 to a lightweight hybrid pixel detector capable of 40 MHz readout at a luminosity of 2x1033 cm-2 s-1 and operation in very close proximity to the LHC beams. The pattern recognition and track reconstruction precision is enhanced relative to the current VELO detector even at the high occupancy conditions of the upgrade, due to the pixel...
Paolo Morettini
(INFN Genova)
04/09/2014, 11:20
From 2024, the HL-LHC will provide unprecedented pp luminosities to ATLAS, resulting in an additional integrated luminosity of around 2500 fb-1 over ten years. This will present a unique opportunity to substantially extend the mass reach in searches for many signatures of new physics, in several cases well into the multi-TeV region, and to significantly extend the study of the properties of...
Mauro Dinardo
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
04/09/2014, 11:50
The high luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) requires a major pixel detector R&D effort to develop both readout chip and sensor that are capable to withstand unprecedented extremely high radiation damage. The target integrated luminosity of 3000 fb-1, that the HL-LHC is expected to deliver over about 10 years of operation, translates into a hadron fluence of 2x10^16 1MeV eq....
Jennifer Jentzsch
(Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
04/09/2014, 12:20
In preparation of the ATLAS Pixel Insertable B-Layer integration, two detector components, so called staves, were mounted around the Beryllium ATLAS beam pipe and tested using production quality assurance measurements as well as dedicated data taking runs to validate a correct grounding and shielding schema. Each stave consists of 32 FE-I4 readout chips of ~ 2x2cm size which sums up to over...