Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

25–27 Aug 2014
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone
We are approaching the end of LHC Long Shutdown 1 (LS1). After this shutdown, the LHC will again deliver high energy particle collisions to its interaction points, but this time at higher energy and, in particular to ATLAS and CMS, at much higher luminosity. On one hand, the higher luminosity collisions will enhance the possibilities that rare processes that we are interested in occur frequently enough for us to observe at statistically significant rates. However, on the other hand, they will also considerably increase the number of pile-up interactions, which will make the reconstruction of jets and MET greatly challenging. While it will become more demanding to reconstruct jets and MET accurately in a high pile-up environment of Run-II, jets and MET will remain important in physics analyses. In fact, their roles will continue to expand. Jets are no longer only manifestation of light quarks and gluons but also that of boosted-heavy objects, which are resolved by the jet substructure techniques. MET is sign of neutrinos and other invisible particles, including dark matter particles, the production of which in Run-II is more seriously predicted. This is a three-days workshop focusing on the preparations and the assessment of readiness for reconstruction of jets and MET in a high pile-up environment. Registration and Registration Fee Please register online from the menu on the left. A nominal registration fee of 120 EUR is due upon arrival to cover expenses for coffee, snacks and the dinner. NOTE: The registration fee can ONLY be collected in EUR as Cash or Check (We DO NOT have a provision to collect this fee by credit card) Late addition: On Tuesday, some of us will have dinner here
Vienna University of Technology
Karlsplatz 13 1040 Vienna

Here is the VIDYO link

Previous workshop:
27-29 January 2014, LPC Workshop: JetMET at High Pile-up, Preparation for LHC Run II