Tobias Stockmanns
(FZ Jülich GmbH)
Future particle physics experiments are searching more and more for rare decays which have similar signatures in the detector as the huge background. For those events usually simple selection criteria do not exist, which makes it impossible to implement a hardware-trigger based on a small subset of detector data.
Therefore all the detector data is read out continuously and processed on-the-fly to achieve a data reduction suitable for permanent storage and detailed analysis.
To cope with these requirements of a triggerless readout also the simulation software has to be adopted to add a continuous data production with pile-up effects and event overlapping in addition to the event wise simulation. This simulated data is of utmost importance to get a realistic detector simulation, to develop event-building algorithms and to determine the hardware requirements for the DAQ system of the experiments.
The possibility to simulate a continuous data stream was integrated into the FairRoot simulation framework. This running mode is called time-based simulation and a lot of effort was taken that one can switch seamlessly between event-based and a time-based simulation mode.
One experiment, which is using this new feature, is the PANDA experiment. It utilizes a quasi-continuous antiproton beam with a mean time between interactions of 50 ns. Because of the unbunched structure of the beam the interaction time follows a Poisson statistics with a high probability of events with short time distances. Depending on the time resolution of the sub-detectors this leads to an overlap of up to 20 events inside a sub-detector. This makes it an ideal test candidate for the time-based simulation.
In this talk the way the time-based simulation was implemented into FairRoot will be presented and examples of time-based simulations done for the PANDA experiment will be shown.
Tobias Stockmanns
(FZ Jülich GmbH)