The Bayesian analysis toolkit: version 1.0 and beyond

16 Apr 2015, 10:15
Auditorium (Auditorium)



oral presentation Track2: Offline software Track 2 Session


Dr Frederik Beaujean (LMU Munich)


The Bayesian analysis toolkit (BAT)
is a C++ package centered around Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling. It
is used in analyses of various particle-physics experiments such as
ATLAS and Gerda. The software has matured over the last few years to a
version 1.0. We will summarize the lessons learned and report on the
current developments of a complete redesign targeting multicore and
multiprocessor architectures and supporting many more sampling
algorithms both built-in and user-supplied.


Dr Frederik Beaujean (LMU Munich)


Prof. Allen Caldwell (Max Planck institute for physics) Dr Daniel Greenwald (Technical University Munich) Dr Daniel Kollar (CERN) Prof. Kevin Alexander Kroeninger (Technical University Dortmund) Dr Oliver Schulz (MPI for Physics, Munich) Dr Stefan Kluth (Max Planck institute for physics)

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