The PicoSEC-MCNet System Integration Training will take place in Hamburg, at DESY, on May 26th and 27th 2014.
Topics of the training will be:
Basics of detectors and accelerator physics
Issues in complex machine and detector design, commissioning and integration(LHC and ILC dominated)
Lessons learned from LHC experience
How to plan the next 50 years of HEP experiments?
A visit to DESY detector museum and to photon science experiments (PETRA III / XFEL) is also planned in the frame of the training.
N.B.: the participation to the training is basically restricted to PicoSEC-MCNet researchers. A small number of places will be reserved to non-PicoSEC-MCNet students, who can join the training upon invitation.
DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Bld. 1C, seminar room 4
Some social events are foreseen during the week, please state your participation in the registration page.