PicoSEC-MCNet System Integration Training

Bld. 1C, seminar room 4 (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)

Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

DESY, Hamburg, Germany

The PicoSEC-MCNet System Integration Training will take place in Hamburg, at DESY, on May 26th and 27th 2014.

Topics of the training will be:
  • Basics of detectors and accelerator physics
  • Issues in complex machine and detector design, commissioning and integration(LHC and ILC dominated)
  • Lessons learned from LHC experience
  • How to plan the next 50 years of HEP experiments?
A visit to DESY detector museum and to photon science experiments (PETRA III / XFEL) is also planned in the frame of the training.

N.B.: the participation to the training is basically restricted to PicoSEC-MCNet researchers. A small number of places will be reserved to non-PicoSEC-MCNet students, who can join the training upon invitation.
    • 08:00 08:45
      REGISTRATION 45m Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

    • 08:45 09:15
      Welcome and introduction 30m Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

      Speaker: Prof. Erika Garutti (University of Hamburg)
    • 09:15 10:15
      Basics of accelerators 1h Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

      Speaker: Prof. Brian Foster (University of Hamburg)
    • 10:15 10:45
      Coffee break 30m Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

    • 10:45 11:45
      Interaction and detection of particles 1h Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

      Speaker: Prof. Erika Garutti
    • 11:45 13:00
      High energy physics detectors 1h 15m Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

      Speaker: Dr Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)
    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch break 1h Bld 9

      Bld 9

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

    • 14:00 15:00
      LHC machine integration experience 1h Bld 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

      Speaker: Dr Julie Coupard (CERN)
    • 15:00 16:00
      ILC machine and detector integration 1h Bld 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

      Speaker: Dr Karsten Buesser (DESY)
    • 16:00 16:15
      Coffee break 15m Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

    • 16:15 17:15
      LHC detectors: lessons learned 1h Bld 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

      Speaker: Dr Christoph Rembser (CERN)
    • 17:15 18:15
      ILC detector: integration considerations 1h Bld 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

      Speaker: Dr Frank Simon (MPI Munich)
    • 20:00 22:30
      Social dinner 2h 30m Alsterufer 2, Hamburg (Restaurant "Portonovo")

      Alsterufer 2, Hamburg

      Restaurant "Portonovo"

    • 09:00 12:00
      Visit 1 (two groups: one visits HEP detectors and the other one the photon science detectors) 3h
    • 12:00 14:00
      Lunch break 2h Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany

    • 14:00 17:00
      Visit 2 (two groups: one visits HEP detectors and the other one the photon science detectors) 3h
    • 17:00 18:00
      get together / final questions / discussion 1h Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

      DESY, Hamburg, Germany