Quattor @ LCG T2 workshop

40-SS-D01 (CERN)



Marco Emilio Poleggi (CERN/INFN-CNAF)

This tutorial gives an overview of the Quattor tool suite and its application to Grid services configuration and administration.

The main goal is to illustrate the potentials of Quattor in a Tier2 environment, with services possibly distributed across geographical areas. Examples and demos of real-world scenarioes are presented interactively.

The topics covered are:

- Overview of Quattor architecture and modules;
- How to describe and manage the configuration of large sites;
- Software package deployment and configuration of Grid services;
- Experiences coming from running Quattor instances.

The level of detail is intermediate. Neither low-level installation tasks nor implementation issues are covered, although the attendees should have a basic understanding of Unix service management, as well as of Grid services and versioning-based authoring.

Note that the afternoon is available for further presentations: Anyone wishing to contribute is welcome!