25–27 Apr 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Welcome to CERN to take part in the Swiss and French Famelab masterclasses!

The Masterclasses will be given in English by Timandra Harckness - for the French participants - and Quentin Cooper - for the Swiss participants. They will be held at the CERN Training Center

The Masterclass is reserved for the Swiss and French finalists. All the participants must register. Rooms have been booked in the CERN Hostel. Please see the registration form for further details. 
The FameLab competition started in 2005 from an original idea at the Cheltenham Science Festival. Its purpose is to nurture the communication of science by identifying and training talented young people working in science. CERN is a partner of the Swiss and the French national events.
CERN Training Center
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You can register your laptop or smart phone to get wireless access by clicking on the link in the menu. Please select Kristina Gunne IT/Di as your contact person. Please make sure you request wireless before arriving at CERN.