12–13 Jun 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone
General Assembly Meeting of LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group
      The LHC Higgs cross-section working group (HXSWG) was created in January 2010. The aim of this group was to produce agreements on cross sections, branching ratios and pseudo-observables relevant to SM and MSSM Higgs boson(s). In spring 2012, the group was restructured and new subgroups were added with the goal of discussing Higgs property/measurement and BSM extensions. Three CERN Reports have been completed, "Inclusive Observables" (CERN-2011- 002), "Differential Distributions" (CERN-2012-002), and "Higgs Properties" (CERN-2013-004). These achievements facilitated the comparison and combination of Higgs results at LHC since the beginning of the LHC physics programme.
      After 4 years of activities, our group is being reorganized in view of long LHC shutdown 2013-2014 (LS1) and in order to prepare the future run at higher energy. This new kick-off meeting will pave the way of the work to be carried over to crystallize the various theoretical ideas and predictions into actual recommendations to the experiments.
     In the meeting, we will have the opportunity to develop an action plan for three working groups (Higgs XS&BR, Higgs Properties, BSM Higgs),  and to discuss an efficient subgroup structure. In the three physics sessions of Thursday and Friday morning we will have review talks by the TH&EXP WG conveners.  In addition, we would like to welcome open contributions by anyone who wishes to offer ideas and suggestions. We therefore call for short physics presentations that will be scheduled during one of these three physics sessions. In addition, the afternoon session on Friday will be devoted to general discussions on the way the group should operate and what should be its priorities for the next two years. Anyone will also have the opportunity to present his/her ideas either in a form of a short talk at the meeting (~1 slide, 4 minutes max.)  or in a form of a short written contribution (1 page) that will be circulated and commented during the meeting.  We invite you to contact us  if you are interested in presenting something.