TMD/uPDF Workshop

Aula Rector Dhanis (University of Antwerp)

Aula Rector Dhanis

University of Antwerp

Room K.101 Kleine Kauwenberg 14 2000 Antwerp Belgium
Andrea Signori (VU University Amsterdam - Nikhef), Igor Cherednikov (University of Antwerp)

The goal of the workshop is to bring together experts from the communities of TMDs and small-x/uPDFs. Since the two seem to use different languages to address quite overlapping physical phenomena, there is demand for mutual understanding, promoting the (possible) development of joint research programs and unified treatments. The key topics will cover both theoretical and phenomenological issues.

Theory: factorization theorems, operatorial definitions and gauge invariance, renormalization and evolution in different x-regimes.

Phenomenology: address high-energy processes available at the LHC (Drell-Yan and Higgs) by means of the TMDs and uPDFs, mostly analyzing the differences and similarities for these predictions.

We will also test and discuss the first public release of the TMDlib library.

