13–17 Oct 2014
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
America/Chicago timezone

Cernbox + EOS: Cloud Storage for Science

15 Oct 2014, 16:30
Nebraska Union - Regency Suite (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)

Nebraska Union - Regency Suite

University of Nebraska - Lincoln

<b>GPS coordinates :</b> <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/Nebraska+Union/@40.8177945,-96.7004067,17z"> N 40.81 E -96.70 </a>
Storage & Filesystems Storage and Filesystems


Luca Mascetti (CERN)


Cernbox is a cloud synchronization service for end-users: it allows to sync and share files on all major platforms (Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Android, iOS). The very successful beta phase of the service demonstrated high demand in the community for such easily accessible cloud storage solution. Integration of Cernbox service with the EOS storage backend is the next step towards providing sync and share capabilities for scientific and engineering use-cases. In this report we will present lessons learnt from the beta phase of the Cernbox service, key technical aspects of Cernbox/EOS integration and new, emerging usage possibilities. The latter include the ongoing integration of sync and share capabilities with the LHC data analysis tools and transfer services.


Presentation materials