13–17 Oct 2014
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
America/Chicago timezone

The Lustre Filesystem for Petabyte Storage at the Florida HPC Center

15 Oct 2014, 14:30
Nebraska Union - Regency Suite (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)

Nebraska Union - Regency Suite

University of Nebraska - Lincoln

<b>GPS coordinates :</b> <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/Nebraska+Union/@40.8177945,-96.7004067,17z"> N 40.81 E -96.70 </a>
Storage & Filesystems Storage and Filesystems


Dr Dimitri Bourilkov (University of Florida (US))


Design, performance, scalability, operational experience, monitoring, different modes of access and expansion plans for the Lustre filesystems, deployed for high performance computing at the University of Florida, are described. Currently we are running storage systems of 1.7 petabytes for the CMS Tier2 center and 2.0 petabytes for the university-wide HPC center.


Design, performance, scalability, operational experience, monitoring,
different modes of access and expansion plans for the Lustre
filesystems, deployed for high performance computing at the University
of Florida, are described. Currently we are running storage systems of
1.7 petabytes for the CMS Tier2 center and 2.0 petabytes for the
university-wide HPC center.


Dr Dimitri Bourilkov (University of Florida (US))


Dr Bockjoo Kim (University of Florida (US)) Dr Craig Prescott (UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA) Paul Ralph Avery (University of Florida (US)) Yu Fu (University of Florida (US))

Presentation materials