13–17 Oct 2014
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
America/Chicago timezone

University of Wisconsin Madison CMS T2 site report

13 Oct 2014, 11:15
Nebraska Union - Georgian Suite

Nebraska Union - Georgian Suite

Site reports Site Reports


Ajit mohapatra (University of Wisconsin (US)) Tapas Sarangi (University of Wisconsin (US))


As a major WLCG/OSG T2 site, the University of Wisconsin Madison CMS T2 has provided very productive and reliable services for CMS MonteCarlo production/processing, and large scale global CMS physics analysis using high throughput computing (HT-Condor), highly available storage system (Hadoop), efficient data access using xrootd/AAA, and scalable distributed software systems (CVMFS). An update on the current status of and activities (since the last report at Ann Arbor meeting) at the UW Madison Tier-2 will be presented that includes efforts on the 100Gb network upgrade and IPv6 etc., among other things.


An update on the current status of and activities (since the last report at Ann Arbor meeting) at the UW Madison Tier-2 will be presented that includes efforts on the 100Gb network upgrade and IPv6 etc., among other things.


Ajit mohapatra (University of Wisconsin (US)) Dr Carl Vuosalo (University of Wisconsin (US)) Daniel Charles Bradley (University of Wisconsin (US)) Prof. Sridhara Dasu (University of Wisconsin (US)) Tapas Sarangi (University of Wisconsin (US))

Presentation materials