Helge Meinhard
[LHC@home][1] was brought back to CERN-IT in 2011, with 2 projects; Sixtrack and Test4Theory, the latter using virtualization with CernVM. Thanks to this development, there is increased interest in volunteer computing at CERN, notably since native virtualization support has been added to the BOINC middleware. Pilot projects with applications from the LHC experiment collaborations running on CernVM have also been deployed, opening the perspective for wider use of BOINC also for High Energy Physics software. The presentation will address the current status of LHC@home and the evolution of the CERN BOINC service to address the needs of a wider range of applications and users.
[1]: http://cern.ch/lhcathome
Use of BOINC at CERN for LHC@home, Virtualization support with BOINC and CernVM allows for running HEP software under BOINC, and LHC@home will be extended to include applications from ATLAS, CMS and LHCb. A Description of BOINC application and server infrastructure at CERN is given.
Nils Hoimyr
Alvaro Gonzalez Alvarez
Helge Meinhard
Miguel Marquina
Pete Jones
Tomi Juhani Asp
(University of Jyvaskyla (FI))