Michail Salichos
FTS3 is the service responsible for globally distributing the majority
of the LHC data across the WLCG infrastructure. It is a file transfer
scheduler which scales horizontally and it's easy to install and
configure. In this talk we would like to bring the attention to the FTS3
features that could attract wider communities and administrators with
several new friendly features. We will present both the new tools for
the management of the FTS3 transfer parameters, for instance
bandwidth-limits, max active transfers per endpoint and VO, banning
users and endpoints, plus new Data Management operations (deletions and
staging files from archive) easily accessed via REST-API. In addition we
will also showcase the new captivating FTS3 Graphical Interface for
end-users to manage their transfers (WebFTS) together with the new
activities to extend the FTS3 transfers capabilities outside the grid
boundaries ( Dropbox, S3, etc.) In this manner we demonstrate that FTS3
can cover the needs from casual users to high load services.
The evolution of FTS3 is addressing the technical and performance requirements and challenges for LHC RUN2, moreover, its simplicity, generic design, web portal and REST interface makes it an ideal file transfer scheduler both inside and outside HEP
Michail Salichos