Clara Figueiredo
The gluon mass generation is a purely non-perturbative effect and, the natural framework to study it, in the continuum, are the Schwinger-Dyson equations (SDEs) of the theory. At the level of the SDEs the generation of such a mass is associated with the existence of infrared finite solutions
for the gluon propagator. From the theoretical point of view, the dynamical gluon mass generation has been traditionally plagued with seagull divergences. In this work, we will review how such divergences can be eliminated completely by virtue of a characteristic identity, valid in dimensional regularization. As a pedagogical example, we will first discuss, in the context of scalar QED, how it is possible to eliminate all seagull divergences, by triggering the aforemementioned special identity, which enforces the masslessness of the photon. Then, we will discuss what happens in QCD and present an Ansatz for the three gluon vertex, which completely eliminates all seagull divergences and at same time allows for the possibility of a dynamical gluon mass generation.
Clara Figueiredo
Arlene Cristina Aguilar