Bus information:
There will be buses leaving to Hotel do Bosque from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and vice versa:
São Paulo to Hotel do Bosque:
The bus will be parked at the main entrance of the USP (in front of the Police Academy) in the morning of March 22, leaving at 10:00 h and passing by the Guarulhos Airport around 11:00 h.
Hotel do Bosque to São Paulo:
The bus will leave Hotel do Bosque to São Paulo in the afternoon of March 27, at 14:30h.
For more information please contact Prof. Marina Nielsen (mnielsen@if.usp.br).
Registration form of São Paulo
Rio de Janeiro to Hotel do Bosque:
The bus will be parked at the main entrance of the CBPF (Brazilian Center for Research in Physics) in the morning of March 22, leaving at 10:00 h and passing by the Rio de Janeiro International Airport Antonio Carlos Jobim around 11:00 h.
Hotel do Bosque to Rio de Janeiro:
The bus will leave Hotel do Bosque to Rio de Janeiro in the afternoon of March 27, at 14:30h.
For more information please contact Prof. Marcelo Chiapparini (hadronphys2015@gmail.com).