Erasmo Ferreira
Using a unified analytic representation for the elastic scattering
amplitudes of pp scattering for all energies, the behavior of
observables at the LHC energies in the range 2.76 - 14 TeV is
discussed. Similary to the case of 7 TeV data, the proposed amplitudes
give excellent description of the preliminary data at 8 TeV. The
energy dependence of the observables, with predictions for the
experiments at 2.76, 13 and 14 TeV is discussed.
As an application of these results, we study p-air cross sections,
with comparison to the data from Extensive Air Shower (EAS)
measurements. The comparison with cosmic ray data is very satisfactory
in the whole pp energy interval from 1 to 100 TeV.
High energy asymptotic behaviour of cross sections is investigated
in view of the geometric scaling property of the amplitudes. It is
predicted that the proton does not behave as a black disk even at
asymptotically high enegies, and possible non-trivial
consequences of this fact for pA collision cross sections are
Erasmo Ferreira
Anderson Kendi Kohara
Takeshi Kodama