Caio Alves Garcia Prado
Central Au+Au collisions at RHIC exhibit a strong particle suppression when compared to p+p collisions. Anisotropic flow is also observed in experiments. The particle suppression is usually associated with jet quenching or energy loss of partons inside the quark-gluon-plasma (QGP) where the anisotropic flow might be due to lumps of high-density inside the medium. These fluctuations in initial conditions can cause considerable quark suppression at early stages of the collision evolution, furthermore the QGP dynamics might cause these high-density spots to expand differently from the rest of the plasma which can affect higher harmonic orders of anisotropic flow such as $v_3$.
In this work we aim to investigate the effects caused by the medium formed in heavy ion collisions on the heavy quark dynamics using a 2D+1 Lagrangian ideal hydrodynamic code which is based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) algorithm, following an event-by-event paradigm. We use an energy loss parametrization on top of the evolving space-time energy density distributions to propagate the quark inside the medium until it reaches the freeze-out temperature where they fragment and hadronize. The resulting mesons are forced to decay giving us the final electron $p_\text{T}$ distribution that can be compared with experimental data of electron spectrum $R_\text{AA}$ and $v_2$. The simulations are run for different centrality classes for both RHIC and LHC collision energies.
Alexandre Alarcon Do Passo Suaide
(Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))
Caio Alves Garcia Prado
Jorge Noronha
Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz
Mauro Rogerio Cosentino
Rodrigo Barbosa de Lima