22–27 Mar 2015
Hotel do Bosque
Brazil/East timezone

Impact of a magnetic field on the thermodynamics of magnetized quark matter

Not scheduled
3h 30m
Hotel do Bosque

Hotel do Bosque

Rodovia Mário Covas (Rio-Santos) BR - 101 Sul, Km 533, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil
Poster Field theoretical approaches to QCD


Prof. Ricardo L.S. Farias (UFSM)


Motivated by the fact that strong magnetic fields $B$ may be produced in noncentral heavy-ion collisions, investigations of the effects of $B$ on the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter became a subject of great interest in recent years. Results from lattice QCD simulations show that the pseudo critical temperature $T_{\rm pc}$ for chiral-symmetry restoration decreases with $B$, a phenomenon known as inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC); but $T_{\rm pc}$ increases with $B$ for unrealistically large values of pion masses. The decrease of $T_{\rm pc}$ with $B$ is in disagreement with effective models like the linear sigma model and the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. Motivated by a recent work employing a NJL model with a coupling constant dependent on temperature and magnetic field, $G(eB,T)$, we reexamine the effects of a magnetic field on the thermodynamic quantities like pressure, entropy, specific heat, and trace anomaly.



Prof. Gastao I. Krein (IFT - UNESP) Prof. Marcus B. Pinto (UFSC) Prof. Sidney Avancini (UFSC) Prof. Varese S. Timoteo (Unicamp)

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