22–27 Mar 2015
Hotel do Bosque
Brazil/East timezone

Scattering process in the Scalar Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau gauge theory

Not scheduled
3h 30m
Hotel do Bosque

Hotel do Bosque

Rodovia Mário Covas (Rio-Santos) BR - 101 Sul, Km 533, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil
Poster Field theoretical approaches to QCD


Mr Jhosep Beltran (IFT-UNESP)


In this work we calculate the cross section of the scattering process of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory coupling with the Maxwell’s electromagnetic field. Specifically, we find the propagator of the free theory, the scattering amplitudes and cross sections at Born level for the Moeller and Compton scattering process of this model. For this purpose we use the analytic representation for free propagators and take account the framework of the Causal Perturbation Theory of Epstein and Glaser .


Prof. B. M. Pimentel (IFT-UNESP) Dr Daniel Eduardo Soto (IFT-UNESP) Mr Jhosep Beltran (IFT-UNESP)

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