Tobias Frederico
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica)
We will discuss recent results for the formulation of charged three-body $B$ decays in charmless channels, like $KKK$,
$\pi\pi$, $KK\pi$, and $\pi\pi\pi$, introducing the final state interaction in the decay amplitude with
relation to the CPT constraint, while CP violation is allowed. We consider the s-wave interaction between the mesons, coupling between different decay channels and a resonance. The p-wave interaction in the resonant states, as the formation of the $\rho$-meson in the $\pi\pi$ channel is considered within the general formulation of the three-body decay channel. In this case the CP violation has contributions from the interference between different mechanisms, like e.g. interference from s and p-wave amplitudes. In particular, we will present preliminary results for the CP asymmetry with dependence on $\cos(\theta)$ in charmless charged channels, as revealed by the recent data from LHCb.
We will also discuss briefly a relativistic three-body formalism for the final sate interaction based on the projection of the inhomogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation onto the light-front with application to the D decay in $K\pi\pi$ channel.
Tobias Frederico
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica)