22–27 Mar 2015
Hotel do Bosque
Brazil/East timezone

Generalized scalar Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau electrodynamics

Not scheduled
3h 30m
Hotel do Bosque

Hotel do Bosque

Rodovia Mário Covas (Rio-Santos) BR - 101 Sul, Km 533, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil
Poster Field theoretical approaches to QCD


Mr Anderson Nogueira (IFT-Unesp)


The main goal of this work is to investigate the quantum interaction between scalar particles and gauge field in the context of Generalized Scalar Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Electrodynamics (GSDKP) by quantizing the theory in a functional approach. The Hamiltonian structure is obtained with the Dirac method and the Faddeev-Senjanovic procedure is established in order to write the transition amplitude in an alternative gauge fixing, known as the non-mixing gauge. At least, the Schwinger-Dyson-Fradkin equations and the Ward-Takahashi-Fradkin identities are obtained.


Mr Anderson Nogueira (IFT-Unesp) Prof. Bruto Pimentel (IFT-Unesp) Dr Rodrigo Bufalo (University of Helsinki) Ms Tatiana Cardoso (IFT-Unesp)

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