Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
- Jorge Horvath (IAG-USP)
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
- Jorge Horvath (IAG-USP)
Murilo Santana Rangel
(Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
26/03/2015, 16:30
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
Oral presentation
The LHCb collaboration studied the production of J/Psi and Upsilon mesons in proton-lead collisions at a proton nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5 TeV. The measurements have been used to determine the nuclear modification factor and to compare the results with theoretical predictions. A measurement of Z boson production in proton-lead collisions is presented as well. The analyses are based on...
Alexis Jean-Michel Mas
(Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))
26/03/2015, 17:30
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
Oral presentation
The ALICE experiment is mainly devoted to the study of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) expected
to be created in heavy ion collisions. Since electromagnetic probes do not interact strongly whith
the QGP, direct photons are reliable witnesses of the energy of the initial hard process. This
property allows one to investigate, e.g., hadrons energy loss mechanisms in the medium via gammajet...
Sudipan De
26/03/2015, 18:00
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
Oral presentation
Measurements of multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of particles produced in pp collisions are important for the study of particle production mechanisms and to obtain baseline distributions to be compared with those from heavy-ion collisions. The inclusive photon measurements (dominated by $\pi^{0}$ decays) are complementary to the charged particle measurements. The present work...