Nov 17 – 21, 2014
Japan timezone

While the LHC is preparing for Run II, and excitement is growing in the HEP community for the exploration of a new land of discovery in the 13 TeV region, another milestone has been achieved in the HL-LHC project: the approval by the CERN Council of June 2014 of the project Cost-to-Completion till 2025. This is a key step, not only because it translates the deliberation of last year’s priority of the EU Strategy update for HEP into concrete action, but also because it allows for the long term planning of the various phases: R&D, design, industrialization, construction, installation and commissioning.

This great achievement was also made possible thanks to the FP7 HiLumi Design Study, which sees participation of European, Japanese and USA (LARP) Laboratories and Universities. The progress of the companion project, the LHC Detector Upgrade program that is organizing its second event in Aix-les-Bains on 21-23 October 2014 should also be highlighted.

Following the 3rd HiLumi LHC Collaboration Meeting, held at Daresbury Laboratory (UK) and hosted by the Cockroft Institute on 11-15 November 2013, and the LARP Collaboration Meeting 22 held at Brookhaven National Laboratory on 5-8 May 2013, we are pleased to announce that the 4th HiLumi LHC Collaboration Meeting jointly organised with LARP will take place in Tsukuba, Japan from 17 to 21 November 2014, hosted by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK).

The meeting will be based on the traditional format of plenary and work package parallel sessions, to review the progress in design and R&D of the FP7 HiLumi work packages, as well as other work packages. The main objective will be the approval of the Preliminary Design Report, a key deliverable of the FP7 project and a critical step toward the Technical Design Report due at the end of the FP7 HiLumi LHC Design Study.

This Annual Meeting foresees a common banquet and will host the 4th Collaboration Board meeting. A visit to the J-PARC accelerator complex in Tokai and a visit of SuperKEKB under construction in Tsukuba will also be organized.

Participation is by invitation only and registration is mandatory and without fee.


Tsukuba Campus