Diana Alvear Terrero
(Facultad de Física, Universidad de La Habana)
Miguel Castillo García
(Facultad de Física, Universidad de la Habana)
We discuss the structure of Magnetized White Dwarfs by considering anisotropic equations of state (EoS) as well as the anisotropic equation of hydrostatic equilibrium. Specifically, we examine the weak and strong magnetic field limits.
For weak magnetic field values ($B < B_c \sim 10^{13} G$) we obtain the EoS through an Euler-MacLaurin expansion of the thermodynamic potential. Whereas in the strong field regime ($B>B_c$) we use a polytropic parametrization of the numerical relativistic EoS.
Our approach aims to have more treatable EoS and therefore facilitate the study of:
1) microscopic effects such as beta inverse decay and the pycnonuclear fusion reaction,
2) macroscopic consequences related to solutions of anisotropic structure equations, and
3) bound on the magnetic field imposed by the scalar Virial theorem.
Diana Alvear Terrero
(Facultad de Física, Universidad de La Habana)
Miguel Castillo García
(Facultad de Física, Universidad de la Habana)
Aurora Pérez Martínez
Daryel Manreza Paret
(Facultad de Física, Universidad de La Habana)