17–19 Jun 2015
Graduate Institute & Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Research Data In the Visual Arts (RDIVA)

Not scheduled
Graduate Institute & Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)

Graduate Institute & Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)

Maison de la paix Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2 & Chemin des Mines 9 1202 Geneva 46.222172, 6.148243


Mr Carlos Silva (University for the Creative Arts)Ms Stephanie Meece (University of the Arts London)


Following on the success of the Jisc funded KAPTUR Project (2011-2013), the Centre for Digital Scholarship based at the University for the Creative Arts together with the University of the Arts London, Glasgow School of Arts and Goldsmiths University of London identified a series of requirements that not only affect the arts and humanities sector but also the wider community and received funding to enhance and manage Research Data in the Visual Arts (RDIVA). The EPrints repository is widely used in different Higher Education Institutions around the World and its popularity amongst researchers has spread over the years. However, research data and policies around managing data in institutions are still under-developed and as reviewed under the KULTUR, KAPTUR and Recollect projects, there is no single solution that could handle effectively and seamlessly research data in the Visual Arts community. Building upon this projects, RDIVA proposes the development of tools to facilitate the management of research data specifically tailored to the requirements of visual researchers. This will enable potentially enormous amounts of data which are currently amassed, and managed by visual arts researchers on a largely ad hoc basis during the course of their activity, to be collected, curated, published and preserved in a systematic way for the benefit of the academic and wider community. The poster and further information can be downloaded from the following URL: http://devcds.ucreative.ac.uk/rdiva/rdiva_poster.pdf


Mr Carlos Silva (University for the Creative Arts) Ms Stephanie Meece (University of the Arts London)

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