17–19 Jun 2015
Graduate Institute & Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)
Europe/Zurich timezone

BG5 - Research data management services: what needs to be developed in the future?

18 Jun 2015, 16:00
1h 45m
BG5 (Campus Biotech)


Campus Biotech


Mrs Eliane Blumer (UNIGE)


Discussion on the management of research data doesn't have to break out, it already has. However, every institution has different needs and usually applies its own strategy. In this context, this breakout session seeks to further break out on RDM services by addressing questions such as: What services are already in place? What feedback can be collected from their users? What are the needs for new services in the future? What will they look like? If you have RDM services in your institution or plan to develop some, just drop by to share your thoughts on the topic.

Presentation materials

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