Megan Hunt
(Enabling Open Scholarship (EOS))Dr
Victoria Tsoukala
(National Documentation Centre)
PASTEUR4OA (OA Policy Alignment Strategies for European Union Research), a project funded by the Science with and for Society programme in FP7, brings together 15 partners from ten European countries to expedite Open Access policy developments at national level and establish a network of expert organisations across Europe to work together for advocacy and coordination (developing a Knowledge Net) in support of the European Commission’s 2012 Recommendation on access to, dissemination of and preservation of scientific information.
PASTEUR4OA has identified expert organisations in member states (Key Node organisations) who engage national policy-makers (funders and research institutions), and assists them in improving and/or developing coordinated policies on Open Access. Policy-maker engagement takes place through the organisation of national meetings, occasional direct involvement of project partners with national policymakers, ten regional workshops organised by the project and a European conference bringing together all major stakeholders. The policy engagement programmes developed by various countries are supported by extensive advocacy material tailored to the needs of each country/ region that the project produces, as well as by evidence-based resources produced by the project.
PASTEUR4OA has already produced policy-focused case-studies of various European countries and a study of policy effectiveness based on an extensive upgrading of the ROARMAP, the main tool that tracks open access policies at the funder and institutional level.
The proposed poster outlines work already performed by the project and planned work until the end of the project in July 2016.
Marina Angelaki
(National Documentation Centre)
Victoria Tsoukala
(National Documentation Centre)
Megan Hunt
(Enabling Open Scholarship (EOS))