17–19 Jun 2015
Graduate Institute & Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)
Europe/Zurich timezone

T6-Managing a Digitization Project

17 Jun 2015, 09:00
2h 30m
T6 (Graduate Institute)


Graduate Institute


Mrs Alexandra BÜTTNER


The tutorial aims at providing an introduction and a practical insight into the management of international digitization projects as well as the virtual unification of dispersed collections. The session will focus on workflows, rights management as well as quality standards. Both theoretical guidelines and practical experiences from two digitization projects will be presented. Within the scope of the first project “German Sales 1901-1945” (http://www.arthistoricum.net/themen/portale/german-sales/), a collaborative effort of Heidelberg University Library, the Kunstbibliothek der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin as well as the Getty Research Institute, 10.000 auction catalogues published between 1901 and 1945 in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, are located, digitized and made accessible online, for the first time enabling a full-text search over all sales catalogues of this period. The second international digitization project „Bibliotheca Laureshamensis – digital“ (http://bibliotheca-laureshamensis-digital.de/en/index.html), the Virtual Monastic Library of Lorsch, focuses on virtually reuniting around 300 manuscripts held in institution as far apart as Los Angeles and Bucharest. Both the challenges and the potential of these digital cultural heritage projects will be highlighted and discussed.

Presentation materials