17–19 Jun 2015
Graduate Institute & Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)
Europe/Zurich timezone

T3-ORCID Implementations and Workflows

17 Jun 2015, 09:00
2h 30m
T3 (Graduate Institute)


Graduate Institute




"ORCID is already natively supported in many systems, and there are numerous stand-alone integrations to learn from. ORCID also offers a range of resources and guidance for new integrators. Whether you're trying to integrate into a single software system using the public API, or integrating a range of business systems using the member API, with the right information and support, it should be straightforward. Getting the technical side right is only the start though, and you'll need to make sure that your user community is informed, on board and ready to start claiming, using and sharing their ORCID IDs. Join technical and policy leads from ORCID for this tutorial to understand how the two aspects of ORCID integration - technical and social - can be planned in lockstep from the outset, and how you can ensure that your researchers get the best out of integration. Whether you're seeking to engage colleagues with an existing setup, or at the beginning of planning your implementation, we can point you to information and tools to help you, and by taking you through the whole process we aim to provide you with useful, relevant information whatever stage you have reached. Find out what others have done and are doing, find out what's available to help and hear more about our plans for the immediate future."

Presentation materials