Heinz Haas
In 1987 the very successful operation of ISOLDE-2 could be continued with an ever increasing number of users. The ISOLDE-3 facility was finished in 1988 and made available too, even in high-resolution mode. As it was evident that post-acceleration of the radioactive beams would be needed in the future, a first project with a series of linacs was forwarded.
It had been clear, however, that CERN could not support the SC operation in the long term. An envisaged transfer to the Rutherford-Appleton Lab did not materialize, primarily for financial reasons. Fortunately the CERN management agreed to support a move to the PS-Booster and preparations started immediately following this decision.
Thus in the years 1989 and 1990 a special effort was made to supply beam to as many research projects as possible, resulting in a record number of beam shifts from the ISOLDE separators. The collaboration even had to partially support the last year of SC running before the final shutdown in December 1990.
Primary author
Heinz Haas