245 / 245
- Vitor Amaral (Universidade de Aveiro)
- João P. Araújo (IFIMUP and IN-Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Universidade do Porto, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal)
- Paramasivan Arumugam (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667, India)
- Pauline Ascher (CENBG)
- Dinko Atanasov (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
- Valérie Augustyns (KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern en Stralingsfysica, 3001 Leuven, Belgium)
Juha Äystö
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
- Author in ISOLDE at the turn of the millennium
Faisal azaiez
- Author in The ALTO Facility
- Carla Babcock (CERN)
- Dimiter Balabanski (INRNE, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
- Marcelo Baptista Barbosa (Universidade do Porto (PT))
- Dietrich Beck (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
- Dietrich Beck (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH (GSI))
- Frank Leonel Bello Garrote (U)
- Giovanna Benzoni (INFN sezione di Milano)
- Lee Bernstein (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Krish Bharuth-Ram
(University of KwaZulu-Natal)
- Co-author in Lattice location of implanted 56Mn in 3C-SiC
- jonathan billowes (university of manchester)
- Jonathan Billowes (University of Manchester (GB))
- Mark Bissell (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
Klaus Blaum
(Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
- Co-author in Collinear laser spectroscopy on neutron-rich Mn isotopes approaching $N=40$
- Co-author in High-precision mass measurements of 129-131Cd and their impact on nuclear astrophysics
- Co-author in High-precision mass spectrometry of rare isotopes with ISOLTRAP
- Co-author in In trap polarization of radioactive ion beams
- Darren Bleuel (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Yorick Blumenfeld
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay)
- Author in My time as Group Leader 2008-2012
- Christine Boehm (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
- Christine Böhm (MPI-K Heidelberg)
- Georg Bollen (Michigan State University)
- Christopher Borgmann (Uppsala University (SE))
- Susana Borromeo (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Angela Bräuning-Demian
(GSI Darmstadt)
- Co-author in The CRYRING@ESR project - status and prospects
- Martin Breitenfeldt (Universidad Complutense (ES))
- Ivan Budincevic (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
- Peter Butler (University of Liverpool (GB))
- burcu Cakirli (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik (MPI)-Max-Planck-Gesellscha)
Artur Wilson Carbonari
(Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, University of São Paulo)
- Co-author in Carrier Mobility and Magnetic Interactions in TiO2
- Robert John Carroll (University of Surrey (GB))
- Ricardo Cesar Carvalho Teixeira (Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))
- Manuel Castro Ribeiro Da Silva (Instituto Superior Tecnico IST)
Richard Catherall
- Author in CATHI and the HIE-ISOLDE Design Study
- Co-author in Developments for the ISOLDE resonance ionization laser ion source RILIS
- Co-author in Status of the HIE-ISOLDE Project
- Bradley Cheal (University of Liverpool (GB))
- Rigoberto Chil (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid)
- Thomas Elias Cocolios (University of Manchester (GB))
- Daniel Cox (University of Liverpool)
- Bernard Crepieux (CERN)
- James Gerald Cubiss (University of York (GB))
- Lino Miguel Da Costa Pereira (KU Leuven (BE))
- Daniel Da Silva (IFIMUP and IN-Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Universidade do Porto, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal)
- Abel Eduardo Da Silva Fenta (University of Aveiro (PT))
- Paul Davies (University of York)
- Thomas Day Goodacre (CERN)
- Ruben Pieter De Groote (KU Leuven (BE))
- Pierre Delahaye (Grand Accelerateur National d'Ions Lourds (FR))
- Franck Delaunay (LPC Caen, France)
- Laurence Delombaerde (KU Leuven)
- Melanie Delonca (Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard (FR))
- Tania Manuela De Melo Mendonca (CERN)
- Manuel Desco (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
- Hilde De Witte (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
Jens Dilling
- Author in Status and highlights from ISAC/TRIUMF
- Daniel Doherty (CEA Saclay)
- Kevin Edmonds (urn:Facebook)
- Sergey Eliseev (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)
- Torleif Ericson (CERN (retired))
- Tomas Kvalheim Eriksen (University of Oslo)
- Tommi Eronen (Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
- Dima Fedorov (PNPI)
- Valentine Fedosseev (CERN)
- Joao Pedro Fernandes Pinto Ramos (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
- Lidia Ferreira (Centro de Física das Interacções Fundamentais, and Departmento de Física, Instituto Superior Técnico, Avenida Rovisco Pais, P1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal)
- Rafael Ferrer Garcia (KU Leuven (BE))
- Kieran Flanagan (University of Manchester (GB))
Roger Forty
- Author in Results from the LHC
- Luis Mario Fraile (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Hans Fynbo
(Aarhus University (DK))
- Co-author in Beta-delayed particle emission from $^{21}$Mg
- Maria Jose Garcia Borge (CERN)
- Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz (KU Leuven (BE))
- Angela Gargano (INFN)
- Sebastian George (Institut fuer Kernphysik)
- Georgi Georgiev (CSNSM Centre de Spectrometrie Nucle aire et de Spectrometrie de)
- Christopher Geppert (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionen forschung mbH (GSI))
- Francesca Giacoppo (University of Oslo (NO))
- Tim Giles (CERN)
- Wouter Gins (KU Leuven)
- Andreas Goergen (U)
- Vladilen Goldberg (Texas A&M University, Cyclotron Institute)
Martin Gonzalez-Alonso
(IPN Lyon)
- Co-author in In trap polarization of radioactive ion beams
- Alexander Gottberg (CERN / CENBG / CSIC)
- Angelo Rafael Granadeiro Costa (Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))
- Paul Thomas Greenlees (University of Jyväskylä)
Jean-Louis Grenard
- Author in The ISOLDE robot upgrade
- Haraldur Gunnlaugsson (Aarhus University)
- Dhruba Gupta (Bose Institute)
- Magne Guttormsen (Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway)
- Heinz Haas (CERN-ISOLDE)
- Trine Hagen (University of Oslo)
Lars Hedlund
- Co-author in High current measurements at TWINEBIS
- Co-author in The TWINEBIS test bench
- Stefanie Christine Hellgartner (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
- Lars Hemmingsen (University of Copenhagen, Department of Chemistry)
- Frank HERFURTH (GSI Darmstadt)
- Alexander Herlert (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (DE))
- Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg (U)
- Hanne Heylen (KU Leuven (BE))
- P Hoff (University of Oslo)
- Mark L Huyse (KU Leuven (BE))
- David Jenkins (University of York)
- Mikael Jensen (DTU-NUTECH, Technical University of Denmark)
Karl Johnston
(Universitaet des Saarlandes (DE))
- Co-author in DFT calculations of hyperfine parameters of Fe-doped MgO
- Co-author in Hg-coordination studies of several different types of small organic compounds by ${}^{199m}$Hg-TDPAC
- Co-author in Non-linear dependence of the electric field gradient on the AlN content x in AlxGa(1-x)N
Bjorn Jonson
(Institute of Theoretical Physics)
- Author in From ISOLDE to ISOLDE 2
Yacine Kadi
- Author in Status of the HIE-ISOLDE Project
- Patrick Kessler (HISKP Uni. Bonn)
- Vincent Kheswa (iThemba LABS)
- Dmitry Kisler (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
- M. Klintfjord (University of Oslo)
- H.-Jürgen Kluge (GSI)
- Joonas Konki (University of Jyväskylä)
- Joonas Konki (JYFL)
- Magdalena Kowalska (CERN)
- Susanne Kreim (CERN)
- Kim Kreim (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
- Jan Pawel Kurcewicz (CERN)
- Kairat Kuterbekov (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University)
- Susanta Lahiri (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Ann-Cecilie Larsen (University of Oslo (NO))
Michael Lestinsky
(GSI Darmstadt)
- Co-author in The CRYRING@ESR project - status and prospects
- Bryan L. Gallagher (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom)
- Razvan Lica (IFIN-HH Bucharest (RO))
- Etienne Lienard (Universite de Caen (FR))
- Tiago Lima (KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern en Stralingsfysica, 3001 Leuven, Belgium)
- Yuri Litvinov (GSI, Darmstadt)
- Katharina Lorenz (Instituto Tecnologico et Nuclear (ITN))
- Morten Vinther Lund (Aarhus University (DK))
- David Lunney (CSNSM Centre de Spectrometrie Nucle aire et de Spectrometrie de)
- Kara Marie Lynch (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
- Marion MacCORMICK (Institut National de Physique Nucleaire... (IN3P3))
- Henryk Mach (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Miguel Madurga Flores (CERN)
- Enrico Maglione (Dipartimento di Física e Astronomia “G. Galilei”, Via Marzolo 8, I-35131 Padova, Italy and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Padova, Italy)
- Cesare Maglioni (CERN)
- Moumita MAITI (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
- Vladimir Manea (CSNSM Centre de Spectrometrie Nucle aire et de Spectrometrie de)
- Nicolae Marginean (IFIN-HH)
- Juliana Marques ramos (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares / Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
- Bruce Marsh (CERN)
Joao Martins Correia
(Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))
- Co-author in Carrier Mobility and Magnetic Interactions in TiO2
- Co-author in Electronic dynamics and probe location in Ga2O3
- Co-author in Lattice location and thermal stability of Mn in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As
- Co-author in Lattice location of implanted 56Mn in 3C-SiC
- Co-author in Non-linear dependence of the electric field gradient on the AlN content x in AlxGa(1-x)N
- Lino M.C. Pereira (KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern en Stralingsfysica, 3001 Leuven, Belgium)
Robert Christian Mertzig
(Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
- Author in High current measurements at TWINEBIS
- Co-author in Development progress of a charge breeder for HIE-ISOLDE and TSR@ISOLDE
- Co-author in The TWINEBIS test bench
- Enrique Minaya Ramirez (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik)
- Akira Miyazaki (CERN)
- Adeleh Mokhles Gerami (K.N Toosi University of Technology (IR))
- Iain Moore (University of Jyväskylä)
- Dennis Mücher (Technische Universität München)
- Sarah Naimi (Inst. of Physical and Chemical Research (JP))
Rajendra Narain Saxena
(Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, University of São Paulo)
- Co-author in Carrier Mobility and Magnetic Interactions in TiO2
- Witold Nazarewicz (Michigan State University)
- Dinesh Negi (iThemba LABS)
- Dennis Neidherr (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
- Rainer Neugart (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz)
Gerda Neyens
(K.U. Leuven)
- Author in Structure of Potassium and Calcium isotopes studied by Collinear Laser Spectroscopy
- Co-author in Collinear laser spectroscopy on neutron-rich Mn isotopes approaching $N=40$
- Co-author in Development of high-resolution resonance ionization spectroscopy of exotic beams at CRIS
- Co-author in In trap polarization of radioactive ion beams
- Wilfried Noertershaeuser (TU Darmstadt)
- Hilde-Therese Nyhus (U)
- Alexandre Obertelli (CEA Saclay)
- George Genghis O'Neill (University of Liverpool (GB))
- Nico Orce (University of the Western Cape)
- Janne Pakarinen (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
- Stavroula Pallada (Hellenic Republic Democritus University of Thrace (GR))
- Pilippos Papadakis (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
- Jasna Papuga (KU Leuven (BE))
- Monika Patial (Department of Physics, KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden and Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667, India)
- Richard P. Campion (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom)
- Jeppe Trudslev Pedersen (Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen)
- Yuri Penionzhkevich (JNIR, Flerov Lab)
- Esteban Picado (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Alexander Pikin (BNL)
Ligia Pinto De Almeida Amorim
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
- Co-author in Lattice location of implanted 56Mn in 3C-SiC
- Zsolt Podolyak (University of Surrey)
- Lucia Popescu (Belgian Nuclear Research Center (BE))
- Riccardo for the IS467 and IS504 collaborations Raabe (KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica)
- Panu Rahkila (University of Jyväskylä)
- Panu Rahkila (JYFL)
- Kimmo Ranttila (University of Jyväskylä)
- Elisa Rapisarda (CERN)
Peter Reiter
(University Cologne, Nuclear Physics Institut)
- Author in The AGATA Array and Recent Results
- John Rekstad (University of Oslo)
Karsten Riisager
(Aarhus University (DK))
- Author in The ISOLDE group 2005-2008
- Co-author in Beta-delayed particle emission from $^{21}$Mg
- Alberto Rodríguez Moreno (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
- María Cristina Rodríguez Sánchez (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
- Sunniva Rose (University of Oslo)
- Marco Rosenbusch (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet (DE))
- Ralf Erik Rossel (Fachhochschule Wiesbaden (DE))
- Sebastian Rothe (CERN)
- Berta Rubio (IFIC)
- Ville-Pekka Saarela (University of Jyväskylä)
Rafael Sá de Freitas
(Instituto de Física, University of São Paulo)
- Co-author in Carrier Mobility and Magnetic Interactions in TiO2
- Swapan K. Saha (Bose Institute)
- Eda Sahin (University of Oslo)
- Joao Nuno Santos Goncalves (University of Aveiro (PT))
- Guy Savard (Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago)
- Magnus Schau-Magnussen (Research Chemist at Haldor Topsøe)
- Paul Schuurmans (SCK-CEN)
- Lutz Schweikhard (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet (DE))
- Christoph Seiffert (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
Nathal Severijns
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
- Co-author in In trap polarization of radioactive ion beams
Andrey Shornikov
- Author in Development progress of a charge breeder for HIE-ISOLDE and TSR@ISOLDE
- Co-author in High current measurements at TWINEBIS
- Co-author in The TWINEBIS test bench
- Sunniva Siem (University of Oslo)
Erwin Siesling
- Co-author in Status of the HIE-ISOLDE Project
- Christophe Sotty (KU Leuven (BE))
- Monika Stachura (CERN)
- Juliane Stanja (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
Thomas Stoehlker
- Co-author in The CRYRING@ESR project - status and prospects
- Thierry Stora (CERN)
- Jana Strisovska (Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK))
- Kristiaan Temst (KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern en Stralingsfysica, 3001 Leuven, Belgium)
- Mössbauer collaboration at ISOLDE/CERN The (ISOLDE/CERN)
- Jim Thornhill (University of Liverpool)
- Peter Waaben Thulstrup (University of Copenhagen, Department of Chemistry)
- Gry Merete Tveten (University of Oslo)
- Jose Manuel Udias (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- M Vaez Zadeh (Dept. of physics, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, P.O.Box 15875-4416, Tehran, Iran)
- Margriet J. Van Bael (KU Leuven, Laboratory of Solid-State Physics and Magnetism, 3001 Leuven, Belgium)
- Piet Van Duppen (KU Leuven (BE))
- André Vantomme (KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern en Stralingsfysica, 3001 Leuven, Belgium)
- Juan José Vaquero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
- Joaquín Vaquero (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
- Victoria Vedia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM))
Walter Venturini Delsolaro
- Co-author in Status of the HIE-ISOLDE Project
- Matthias Verlinde (KU Leuven)
- Martin Veselsky (Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK))
Reiner Vianden
(Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, University of Bonn)
- Co-author in Carrier Mobility and Magnetic Interactions in TiO2
- Reiner Vianden (Physikalisches Institut-Universitaet Bonn)
- Johan Vibenholt (University of Copenhagen)
- Alexander Voinov (Ohio University)
- Michiharu Wada (RIKEN)
- Ulrich Wahl (Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))
- Nigel Warr (IKP Uni. Koeln)
- Andree Welker (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
- David Wells (University of Liverpool)
Fredrik John Carl Wenander
- Co-author in Development progress of a charge breeder for HIE-ISOLDE and TSR@ISOLDE
- Co-author in High current measurements at TWINEBIS
- Co-author in The TWINEBIS test bench
- Mathis Wiedeking (iThemba LABS)
- Frank Wienholtz (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet (DE))
- Jon Wilson (IPN Orsay)
- Robert Wolf (MPI-K Heidelberg)
- Robert Wolf (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
- Deyan Yordanov (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
- Magdalena Zielinska (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
- Kai Zuber (Technische Universitaet Dresden)