15–17 Dec 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

The ISOLDE group 2005-2008

17 Dec 2014, 12:05
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
Invited Golden Jubilee


Dr Karsten Riisager (Aarhus University (DK))


In the years leading up to the first beams in LHC in the autumn 2008 most CERN efforts were focussed on finishing the LHC. Still, ISOLDE managed to evolve and broaden its physics scope. I shall give a brief overview of the main events taking place at ISOLDE in the period 2005-2008, including the consolidation of the existing infrastructure and the preparations for the HIE-ISOLDE project, and remind about some of the physics results coming out. I shall also mention the developments in and around the ISOLDE Collaboration.

Primary author

Dr Karsten Riisager (Aarhus University (DK))

Presentation materials