- Lutz Schweikhard
Guy Savard
(Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago)
15/12/2014, 09:10
A new facility for the production of short-lived neutron-rich isotopes, CARIBU, is now operational at Argonne National Laboratory. CARIBU, the Californium Rare Ion Breeder Upgrade (CARIBU) of the ATLAS superconducting linac facility, provides low energy and reaccelerated neutron-rich radioactive beams to address key nuclear physics and astrophysics questions. These beams are obtained from...
Michiharu Wada
15/12/2014, 09:35
A universal stopped and low-energy RI-beam facility (SLOWRI) [1] is finally being installed
at RIKEN RIBF. It will convert relativistic RI-beams from the inflight separator BigRIPS to
low-energy, low-emittance, high-purity RI beams using two different gas catcher cells: RF-carpet
gas cell and PALIS gas cell [2, 3]. The former is a 1.5-m long cell filled with 100 mbar He
gas and operated at...
Georg Bollen
(Michigan State University)
15/12/2014, 10:00
FRIB, the US’s “Facility for Rare Isotope Beams” at Michigan State University (MSU), will be based on a 400 kW, 200 MeV/u heavy ion linear accelerator. Once realized, FRIB will be a world-leading rare isotope beam facility, providing a wide variety of high-quality beams of unstable isotopes at unprecedented intensities, opening exciting research perspectives with fast, stopped, and...
Jens Dilling
15/12/2014, 10:25
The ISAC facility at TRIUMF with its ISOL-based radioactive beam operation with up to 50kW production targets offers some unique research capabilities to its 18 permanently installed (and 3 general purpose experimental stations) experiments. ISAC has been operational for over 15 years and its experimental program includes nuclear structure studies, electroweak-precision studies, nuclear...