1–5 Dec 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone
3rd Fluka Advanced Course and Workshop, LNF, Italy



The course is intended for FLUKA users with previous experience on the code.

The course program will cover advanced topics in FLUKA, with lectures and challenging exercises.
The students will learn how to:

  • build complex geometries with repetitions;
  • deal with voxel structures;
  • implement magnetic fields;
  • precisely set the simulation parameters;
  • get the best out of the FLUKA scoring;
  • tailor the bias settings;
  • program user routines;
  • ...and much more

During the workshop the users will present and share their experiences, problems and personal solutions.


Course Fee

There is a course fee - including the official dinner - amounting to

  • 500 CHF for users from Academic Institutions
  • 1500 CHF for commercial users


How to Apply

The intake is limited to about 30 participants. As such, those wanting to participate should indicate their interest by filling the application form as soon as possible, without paying the registration fee.  Acceptance will be notified at a later stage after a selection process among the applications. A waiting list will be maintained in case there are any cancellations.

People proposing a presentation for the workshop (to be focused on FLUKA applications with particular emphasis on the implementation challenges, the adopted recipes and possible criticalities), will in principle get priority.


Important Dates

  • Sep 15 deadline for application and abstract submission
  • Oct 15 deadline for fee payment (only after acceptance notification) and hotel booking
  • Dec 1-5 course



This is an advanced course and therefore participants must already be capable of performing FLUKA simulations. Minimal programming skills and knowledge of linux are required.

In addition, all participants must arrive with the latest versions of FLUKA and Flair working on their laptops. Nevertheless, some computers will be available as backup solution. Please check the appropriate box in the application form.