Jianwei Qiu
(Brookhaven National Lab)
Jet is known as the "footprint" of high energy quark and gluon produced in high energy scattering, and has been an excellent probe for short-distance dynamics of QCD and potential new physics. Jet quenching is recognized as a key evidence for the discovery of quark-gluon plasma in relativistic heavy ion collisions. However, quantifying the jet quenching in a hot and dense medium is challenging due to the definition of the jet itself and its phase space limitation. In this talk, I propose to use the jettiness, a more inclusive observable for global event shape, to quantify the jet quenching phenomenon and QCD radiation and energy loss in p+A and e+A collisions, and to discuss the complementary between the jet and jettiness as observables, and between p+A and e+A scattering.
Primary author
Jianwei Qiu
(Brookhaven National Lab)