In the fall of 2008, LHC will go to run with proton beams, and will run with lead beams at 5.5 TeV in 2009. Therefore, theoretical study and experimental data analysis in heavy ion collisions at LHC are very urgent. The workshop will focus on the heavy ion physics at LHC. QCD at high temperature and density, jet and high pT physics, heavy flavor production and detection, EM probes of QGP and detection, bulk properties and collective flow, experimental data analysis will be reviewed. Experts from RHIC experiments will be invited and will give talks on new results at RHIC. The workshop aims at a lively, informal and friendly atmosphere with ample discussion time.
The workshop will be held in Wuhan (P.R. CHina) at the Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP) in Central China Normal University. The scientific programm of the workshop will be from Wednesday 21th morning to Saturday 24th morning, Saturday 24th afternoon will be devoted to a half-day outside visit.
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