21–24 May 2008
CCNU, Wuhan
Europe/Zurich timezone


Experiments Overview I

Session 1
21 May 2008, 08:30
IOPP Conference Hall (CCNU, Wuhan)

IOPP Conference Hall

CCNU, Wuhan

Central China Normal University (CCNU) Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP) 430079 Wuhan, China

Presentation materials

Prof. Huanqiao (Chinese academician) ZHANG (CIAE, China), President of CCNU, (CCNU, China), Prof. Xu CAI (CCNU, China)
21/05/2008, 08:30
Hans De Groot (CERN)
21/05/2008, 09:00
Prof. Yugang MA (SINAP, China)
21/05/2008, 09:40
Building timetable...