21–24 May 2008
CCNU, Wuhan
Europe/Zurich timezone


Jet and high p<sub>T</sub> physics

Session 6
22 May 2008, 14:00
IOPP Conference Hall (CCNU, Wuhan)

IOPP Conference Hall

CCNU, Wuhan

Central China Normal University (CCNU) Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP) 430079 Wuhan, China


Jet and high p<sub>T</sub> physics

  • Nu XU (LBNL)

Presentation materials

Prof. Gabor PAPP (Eotvos Univ., Hungary)
22/05/2008, 14:00
Prof. Hanzhong ZHANG (CCNU,China)
22/05/2008, 14:30
Prof. Shengqin FENG (CTGU, China)
22/05/2008, 15:25
Building timetable...