Carsten Welsch
(Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)
25/03/2015, 09:10
Rafael Ferrer
(KU Leuven)
25/03/2015, 09:30
Thomas Day Goodacre
25/03/2015, 10:00
Michael Jones
25/03/2015, 10:15
Irene Martini
25/03/2015, 12:00
Hao Zhang
(University of Liverpool)
25/03/2015, 12:15
Laser control and distributed data acquisition for ‘in-source’ laser spectroscopy at CERN-ISOLDE
Ralf Rossel
(Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
25/03/2015, 14:30
Jochen Teichert
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf),
Rong Xiang
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
25/03/2015, 14:45
Emilio Mariotti
(Università di Siena – DSFTA)
25/03/2015, 15:00
Matthieu Veinhard
25/03/2015, 15:15
Luca Christopher Stockhausen
25/03/2015, 16:30
Yelong Wei
(University of Liverpool)
25/03/2015, 17:15
Alexander Pukhov
(University of Dusseldorf)
26/03/2015, 09:15
State of the art in electron beam laser acceleration
Dennis Palmer
26/03/2015, 10:00
Malte Kaluza
(University of Jena)
26/03/2015, 10:15
Andreas Döpp
(Centro de Laseres Pulsados)
26/03/2015, 10:45
François Sylla
26/03/2015, 11:30
Jakob Matthias Krämer
26/03/2015, 12:00
Allan Gillespie
(Unversity of Dundee, Scotland, UK)
26/03/2015, 12:15
Kamil Nowacki
26/03/2015, 12:30
Stanimir Kisyov
26/03/2015, 16:30
Andrii Borysenko
27/03/2015, 10:00
Eduardo Nebot Del Busto
(University of Liverpool (GB))
27/03/2015, 10:30
Rui Pan
(STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))
27/03/2015, 10:45
Thomas Hofmann
27/03/2015, 11:30
Alexandra Alexandrova
(University of Liverpool/Cockroft Institute)
27/03/2015, 12:00
Precision determination of electron beam energy with Compton backscattered laser photons at ANKA
Cheng Chang
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
27/03/2015, 12:15
Carsten Welsch
(Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)
27/03/2015, 12:30