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- Alexandra Alexandrova (University of Liverpool/Cockroft Institute)
Rob Ashworth
(University of Liverpool)
- Speaker at Welcome / Admin & Logistics
- Andrii Borysenko (KIT)
- Cheng Chang (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
Jurjen Couperus
- Speaker at Targetry for Laser Wakefield Acceleration
- Thomas Day Goodacre (CERN)
- Andreas Döpp (Centro de Laseres Pulsados)
- Rafael Ferrer (KU Leuven)
Sydney Gales
- Speaker at Seminar: The Extreme Light Infrastructure
- Allan Gillespie (Unversity of Dundee, Scotland, UK)
- Ishkhan Gorgisyan (PSI)
Jose Luis Henares
- Speaker at Integration of RILIS @ SPIRAL2 TISS
- Lara Hijazi (GANIL)
- Thomas Hofmann (CERN)
Peter Hommelhoff
- Speaker at Dielectric Laser Acceleration
Lee Jones
- Speaker at Photo Injectors
- Malte Kaluza (University of Jena)
- Stanimir Kisyov (IFIN-HH)
- Jakob Matthias Krämer (Danfysik)
Gero Kube
- Speaker at Diagnostics at Free Electron Lasers
Pengnan Lu
- Speaker at High brightness SRF photo injector at ELBE
- Emilio Mariotti (Università di Siena – DSFTA)
- Irene Martini (CERN)
- Eduardo Nebot Del Busto (University of Liverpool (GB))
- Kamil Nowacki (FOTON)
- Dennis Palmer (INFN-Milano)
- Rui Pan (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))
Alexander Pukhov
(University of Dusseldorf)
- Speaker at Session 3. Electron acceleration
- Ralf Rossel (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
Jörg Schreiber
- Speaker at Session 2. Laser-based ion acceleration
- Luca Christopher Stockhausen (C)
- François Sylla (SourceLAB)
- Jochen Teichert (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Mateusz A. Tyrk
(University of Dundee)
- Speaker at EO bunch time profile monitor for CLIC
- Matthieu Veinhard (CERN)
- Yelong Wei (University of Liverpool)
Carsten Welsch
(Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)
- Speaker at Lasers and Accelerators as Drivers for Innovation
- Speaker at Summary & Conclusion
- Rong Xiang (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Hao Zhang (University of Liverpool)