Recent COMPASS results on transverse spin asymmetries in SIDIS.

28 Apr 2015, 16:15


WG6 Spin Physics WG6 Spin Physics


Mr giulio sbrizzai (Trieste University and INFN)


Recent results on the transverse spin azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive DIS reactions extracted by the COMPASS Collaboration from the data collected with a transversely polarised proton target are presented. In particular, the interesting kinematical dependencies shown by the Collins and Sivers asymmetries have been further investigated in a multi-dimensional analysis in x, Q^2, z and p_T. Moreover, the similarity between the Collins asymmetries and the dihadron asymmetries recently observed by COMPASS has been further investigated for an event sample containing at least a pair of oppositely charged hadrons. From the dependence of the asymmetries on the azimuthal angle between the two detected hadrons a quantitative relation between the two asymmetries is derived, confirming the original suggestion that a common physical mechanism underlies the two mechanisms


Mr giulio sbrizzai (Trieste University and INFN)

Presentation materials